I can’t believe summer is nearing an end, although I am very excited about what fall has in store, there are some fun things happening at Bow Bench Retreat.

Shooting Stars Block of the Month Program
Starting September 20th, I am offering a Block of the Month Program, the class fee includes all your fabric, pattern and one day class to complete a queen size quilt over 10 months. This is a wonderful way to learn basic quilt making skills while you create a beautiful quilt, or simply an opportunity to get out of the house and sew in a social setting with your friends. This class is open to all ages and skill levels, a great opportunity to take a class with a friend, child, mother etc. There is a mid week daytime or evening option as well as a monthly Saturday class option in hopes of accommodating your busy schedules. I am thrilled with the registration response to this class, it is sure to fill up to register today.
Vintage Rose Technique of the Month Class
This quilt is a foundation paper pieced design by Judy Niemeyer with (quiltworx.com). The quilt is broken down into units, a new unit is taught every month with the expectation that at the end of 6 months these units can be put together into a quilt top. The skills and techniques you learn every month can then be applied to making other Judy Niemeyer patterns. Class fee includes your pattern.
Free Motion Quilting Classes
Allison Spence is back to teach a Basic Beginning free motion class and a beginner quilting with rulers on your domestic machine class Friday September 29th.
Stoney Nakoda Resort and Casino Retreat – April 2018
The first retreat held this past April was so much fun we are doing it again this spring! Join us for 4 days at this beautiful resort and learn to make a “Judy” pattern at the same time.
Lazy M Lodge “Judy” Retreat – July 2018
Join us for a week long retreat at the beautiful Lazy M Lodge near Caroline AB, for a fun relaxing class. The food and hospitality is amazing, we had so much fun this past July sewing, laughing and relaxing you should join us.
Sew Wednesdays at Bow Bench Retreat
Certified Instructor Nancy Strath is available to assist you with your “Judy” patterns every Wednesday from 10-4, please check the calendar to confirm the dates as she is away for a few of them, please pre-register as these sew days have become very popular and space might be limited.
12 Hours Creating on the Bow
One Saturday a month you are invited to join us from 10-10 to spend the day doing what you love, sewing, scrapbooking, writing… in the company of other creative souls. Please note that Nancy will not always be available to provide assistance on these Saturdays, please pre-register as space is limited.
Judy Niemeyer Classes
I plan on teaching many of the new patterns published this summer in one day classes, I will post them on the website as the dates are booked, stay tuned.
I will be attending Quilt Market in Houston at the end of October and hope to come home with new ideas and exciting plans for future classes and events so stay tuned for more information.
Don’t forget Bow Bench Retreat is on Facebook, be sure to like my page so you can stay up to date on all the events at Bow Bench!
I would love to do a trunk show or class for your Guild or Quilting group, contact me for more information.
– Nancy Strath, Certified Instructor, Judy Niemeyer Quilting