The latest from Bow Bench Retreat
Every year brings something new to Bow Bench Retreat. We are always excited to meet new instructors, try new patterns and host retreats for sewists of all skill levels.
Here are the highlights of what we have done and what we are looking forward to!

2016 Newsletter
Happy New Year to everyone!! 2015 was a very exciting and busy year for me, as you know I earned my teaching Certification with Judy Niemeyer in May and taught a lot of classes during the summer and fall. Over the Christmas break I’ve been busy trying to complete...
I have started an excited journey to become a certified instructor with Judy Niemeyer and her company Quiltworx. I spent 6 days at the Quiltworx training facility in August, in classes taught by Judy learning her techniques, sewing samples and understanding the basics...
August 2015 Newsletter
It’s been a very busy summer, I can’t believe its the middle of August already!! I want to Thank everyone who came out for the Trunk Show in June, its too bad that Mother Nature didn’t cooperate but over 140 of you still came to see all the amazing quilts despite the...
Another Amazing Judy Niemeyer Workshop!
We hosted another amazing Judy Niemeyer workshop in August, the ladies worked hard, enjoyed some delicious meals prepared by Janelle, and learned new techniques and skills from Certified Instructor Maureen Wood!
Last Step in Becoming a Certified ‘Judy Niemeyer’ Instructor
I am very excited to head off to Kalispell to the Quiltworx training facility to complete the last step in my Certification process. While I am there I will be completing my sample technique of the month quilts, Glacier Star, Mariner’s Compass, and Paradise in Bloom....